Data Modeling
Master the techniques needed to build data models for your organization.
Apply key data modeling Design principles through both classic entity-relationship notation and the “crow’s foot” notation. Build semantically accurate data models consisting of entities, attributes, relationships, hierarchies, and other modeling constructs.
Creating a Data Model in visio
Create logical data model in ER studio
Identifying and Non-identifying ER Studio
Naming Standards ER Studio
Create Physical Model in ER studio
Creationg Objects and Data Modeling Relationships
DM Relationships
Identifying Relationships
Create Objects in Data Model
Cardinality & Non-identifying
Supertype and subtype
Data Modeling Types
Concept Data Modeling
Enterprise Data Modeling
Logical Data Modeling
Physical Data Modeling
Relationship(OLTP)Data Modeling
Dimensional Data Modeling
Logical vs Physical Data Modeling
Relational(OLTP) vs Dimensional
Compare Data Models and create DDL scripts
Physical Data Modeling
DDL Scripts from Data Model
Reverse Engineering a Data Model
Modeling Data Warehouse and Data Mart
Data warehouse and Data Mart
Slowly changing dimensions
star schema
Snowflakes schema
Fact table