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Machine learning with Python

This course gives an in-depth understanding of machine learning with Python. In this course, you will learn about artificial datasets with Scikit-learn, neural networks, separating classes with dividing lines, Regression trees in Python, random forests in Python, boosting algorithms in Python, and lots of others. This training is suitable for beginners as well as those with advanced level Python and machine learning competence.

  • Intro to Machine Learning with Python

  • Machine Learning with Python

  • Machine Learning Terminology

  • Evaluation Metrics

  • Data Representation and Visualization of Data

  • Available Data Sets in Sklearn

  • Artificial Datasets with Scikit-Learn

  • Train and Test Sets by Splitting Learn and Test Data

  • k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier in Python

  • k-Nearest-Neighbor Classifier with sklearn

  • Neural Networks Introduction

  • Separating Classes with Dividing Lines

  • A Simple Neural Network from Scratch in Python

  • Pereceptron class in sklearn

  • Neural Networks, Structure, Weights and Matrices

  • Running a Neural Network with Python

  • Backpropagation in Neural Networks

  • Training a Neural Network with Python

  • Softmax as Activation Function

  • Confusion Matrix in Machine Learning

  • Training and Testing with MNIST

  • Dropout Neural Networks in Python

  • Neural Networks with Scikit

  • A Neural Network for the Digits Dataset

  • Naive Bayes Classification with Python

  • Naive Bayes Classifier with Scikit

  • Introduction to Text Classification

  • Text Classification in Python

  • Natural Language Processing with Python

  • Natural Language Processing: Classification

  • Introduction to Regression with Python

  • Decision Trees in Python

  • Regression Trees in Python

  • Random Forests in Python

  • Boosting Algorithm in Python

  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in Python

  • Linear Discriminant Analysis in Python

  • Expectation Maximization and Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)

  • Introduction to TensorFlow

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